Missed my flight in Munich thanks to crappy snow, but it didn't seem to bother me that much.


At least it looked somewhat pretty.


Jetlag. Thank god for Super Mario Bros 3 and my Wii! Problem solved.

The view from my bed isn't too shabby.


Nor is the one from my balcony. Apparently we're moving to a bigger and newer apartment in the building with the blue lights in April. Sucks, because the view is better in this apartment..


The outdoor pool. The indoor one is in the round building above it, and the gym is right underneath.


First time I tried longan, ohmygodohmygod<3


Mama and I made our own dumplings!


Korean rice cakes called songpyeon. Have you seen Ratatouille? You know when the mean food critic Anton Ego takes a bite out of the ratatouille and then remembers his childhood etc and breaks into a huuuge smile? That's how I felt when I took a bite out of this lovely cake thing. Sooooo good and so full of memories!

More pics from the balcony, can't wait until spring/summer so I can sit outside and have a drink and listen to music..


The dreaded cubicle. It didn't take long before I realized this wasn't for me.


Best thing I learned during my week in the cubicle.



Remember me




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